After a devastating fire, Sam Ford's daughter, Dana, succumbs to her injuries when her mother, Ruby Lane, chooses to save her childhood sweetheart over her own child. Once deeply in love with Ruby, Sam, the chairman of Ford Group, is now consumed by bitterness and grief. The loss of Dana drives him to seek vengeance, determined to make everyone responsible for her death pay for their actions.
2025-01-05 03:14:15
What dark truths will Sam uncover? How far is he willing to go for revenge? #A FathersReckoning
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A Father's Reckoning
After a devastating fire, Sam Ford's daughter, Dana, succumbs to her injuries when her mother, Ruby Lane, chooses to save her childhood sweetheart over her own child. Once deeply in love with Ruby, Sam, the chairman of Ford Group, is now consumed by bitterness and grief. The loss of Dana drives him to seek vengeance, determined to make everyone responsible for her death pay for their actions.
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