Jack, a modern-day artist, stumbles into a parallel universe due to an accident, catapulted into an ancient, matriarchal Roman society. In this nation ruled by women, he finds himself surrounded by an abundance of beauties. Can Jack navigate this society and win the hearts of these girls? More importantly, will he be able to find the key to unraveling time travel and safely return to his contemporary world?
2025-01-05 22:44:53
Lost in a world ruled by queens, Jack’s heart races as he balances awe and anxiety, hoping his art can bridge two worlds.
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Let me go, My Queen!
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Let me go, My Queen!
Jack, a modern-day artist, stumbles into a parallel universe due to an accident, catapulted into an ancient, matriarchal Roman society. In this nation ruled by women, he finds himself surrounded by an abundance of beauties. Can Jack navigate this society and win the hearts of these girls? More importantly, will he be able to find the key to unraveling time travel and safely return to his contemporary world?
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Amy's vulnerability cuts through the cold dawn, begging for warmth and dignity in a sea of indifference. Heartsache...
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Unexpected twists left me speechless.
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Elliot’s final scene in Love Faded Beyond Reach broke me. It was emotionally shattering.
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If I were Fiona, I would've snapped Felix in half and used him as a doormat. Like, seriously, he ain’t even cute
Secretly, Dangerously Mine
At first, I thought it was just another typical divorce drama, but what followed was a thrilling rollercoaster of power plays and secrets.
Don't Challenge the Lady Billionaire
I can't wait for the big showdown between Juliet and Charles. She’s going to make him regret everything.
Atop the Ruins: Revenge For My Precious Daughter
This drama gets better with every episode. Jessica’s revenge is coming, and I’m so ready! @kiwishort_aide
Ex-Wife Unaware I Am The Dragon King
Ex-Wife Unaware I Am The Dragon King took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The way the Dragon King’s past unraveled was gripping, and the ex-wife’s inner conflict was heart-wrenching. The supernatural twist added depth to an already captivating story. The lead actors brought incredible intensity and made every moment believable
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