Ava Lang was once a renowned jewelry designer known as Anni. However, after falling in love with Merton’s tycoon, Greg Howe, she not only donates a kidney to him but also willingly becomes a stepping stone for his first love, Carla Griffin. With Ava’s designs, Carla successfully gains a foothold in the industry. Meanwhile, due to the side effects of medication, Ava loses her figure and becomes the target of ridicule and humiliation. She endures it all, hoping Greg will love her more. Sadly, to Greg, his marriage to Ava is nothing more than a business transaction. Heartbroken, Ava finally decides to seek a divorce.
2024-12-11 16:30:25
Ava no merec铆a a Greg. El tipo es un idiota, siempre priorizando a Carla. 隆Qu茅 manera de joderla!
2024-12-11 12:22:25
Greg thought he could break Ava, but she just became stronger. 馃挅
2024-12-12 09:46:56
I鈥檝e never been more disgusted by a character than Greg. The audacity 馃槨馃が.
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Torn, Transformed, Triumphant
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Torn, Transformed, Triumphant
Ava Lang was once a renowned jewelry designer known as Anni. However, after falling in love with Merton’s tycoon, Greg Howe, she not only donates a kidney to him but also willingly becomes a stepping stone for his first love, Carla Griffin. With Ava’s designs, Carla successfully gains a foothold in the industry. Meanwhile, due to the side effects of medication, Ava loses her figure and becomes the target of ridicule and humiliation. She endures it all, hoping Greg will love her more. Sadly, to Greg, his marriage to Ava is nothing more than a business transaction. Heartbroken, Ava finally decides to seek a divorce.
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