El amor silencioso[DUB]

El amor silencioso[DUB]

  • Toxic Love
Hora de recogida: 2024-11-01
Episodios: 100

Descripción general:

Después de casarse con la mujer muda Lynn Keith, Johnny Luke sólo regresa a casa para una cosa: besarse. Lynn Keith cree erróneamente que Johnny Luke ama a Ann Summer y decide divorciarse de él. Tras el divorcio, Lynn Keith pierde la memoria y se vuelve a enamorar de Johnny Luke mientras recupera sus recuerdos.

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The plot has several logical issues:
1. Johnny's behavior is disrespectful given Lynn's condition; he should have more consideration for her feelings rather than using marriage as a one-night stand relationship.
2. It’s unlikely Lynn would divorce based solely on misunderstanding without communication or attempt to clarify with Johnny.
3. The sudden memory loss seems contrived and unrealistic, serving only to advance the plot.
4. Unresolved tensions and societal pressures feel forced; too many conflicts pil
The plot has several logical issues:
1. Johnny's behavior is disrespectful given Lynn's condition; he should have more consideration for her feelings rather than using marriage as a one-night stand relationship.
2. It’s unlikely Lynn would divorce based solely on misunderstanding without communication or attempt to clarify with Johnny.
3. The sudden memory loss seems contrived and unrealistic, serving only to advance the plot.
4. Unresolved tensions and societal pressures feel forced; too many conflicts pil
2025-01-07 15:54:52

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