La promesa de ese verano

La promesa de ese verano

  • Romance
  • powerful
Hora de recogida: 2024-10-23
Episodios: 92

Descripción general:

Hace 15 años, Vivian Lee salvó la vida de Alex Brown con su sangre. Prometieron casarse cuando fueran mayores. Sin embargo, Alex huyó del país el día de la boda. En los siguientes 5 años, nunca se conocieron mientras Vivian estaba preocupada por la enfermedad infantil de Alex y se convirtió en la profesora más joven de medicina interna. Incluso obtuvo el título de "Maestría en Medicina Interna".

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Nombre de usuario Daxx
Vivian: "Saving your life? More like cursing mine to worry about you for 15 years! And here I am, mastering internal medicine while wishing I had let you bleed out that day." #ThatSummerPromisesWereAShotInTheDark肱二头肌 emoji 💉✨
2025-01-04 16:28:42
Nombre de usuario Greco
The premise of Alex fleeing on his wedding day and then returning after 15 years is unrealistic without explanation. The sudden arrival of Alex and Lei Yue and its impact on Vivian’s life feels contrived. Additionally, the connection between Vivian's medical oath and her personal involvement seems thin.
The premise of Alex fleeing on his wedding day and then returning after 15 years is unrealistic without explanation. The sudden arrival of Alex and Lei Yue and its impact on Vivian’s life feels contrived. Additionally, the connection between Vivian's medical oath and her personal involvement seems thin.
The premise of Alex fleeing on his wedding day and then returning after 15 years is unrealistic without explanation. The sudden arrival of Alex and Lei Yue and its impact on Vivian’s life feels contrived. Additionally, the connection between Vivian's medical oath and her personal involvement seems thin.
The premise of Alex fleeing on his wedding day and then returning after 15 years is unrealistic without explanation. The sudden arrival of Alex and Lei Yue and its impact on Vivian’s life feels contrived. Additionally, the connection between Vivian's medical oath and her personal involvement seems thin.
2025-01-06 20:52:08

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