When My Ex Comes Crawling Back
संग्रह का समय: 2024-12-11
एपिसोड: 66
Esme Lang, the eldest daughter of the Lang family, is poisoned by her cousin Susie Lang, leaving her disfigured, with memory loss, and mentally impaired. She’s rescued by the Reed family matriarch, who arranges for her to marry Caleb Reed, the third son of the Reed family, under the name Faye Reed. After the matriarch’s death, Esme, pregnant with twins, is sent away by Caleb. A car accident later restores her memory, revealing her true identity. Five years later, Esme returns to the capital with her son, Eli, unaware that her other child, Zach, is alive. When Eli tries to teach Susie a lesson, Caleb mistakes him for Zach and takes him away. The two children end up swapping identities. What will happen next in this tangled web of secrets and mistaken identities?
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- मेरी रेटिंग
- अधिक लघु नाटक
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- GoodShort
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बदल दें
- 40 एपिसोड
जीवन भर का पुनर्लेखन
- Destiny
- Family
- Single Mom
- Strong Female Lead
- 90 एपिसोड
मेरी पाँच अतुल्य बहनें
- Counterattack
- Harem
- Urban
- 61 एपिसोड
अलविदा श्री सैम्पसन
- Marriage
- Toxic Relationship
- 76 एपिसोड
प्रमुख उत्तराधिकारी की विजयी वापसी (डब किया गया)
- Hatred
- Underdog Rise
- Urban
- 70 एपिसोड
बारबेक्यू लीजेंड
- Counterattack
- Rebirth
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