Aren't You Happy With Your Dream Boy?
संग्रह का समय: 2024-12-11
एपिसोड: 67
After her beloved boyfriend Ian left her, Wanda drowned her sorrows at a bar and met Charles, a street singer. In a fit of anger, she proposed a five-million-dollar agreement to marry Charles for five years, which he accepted. He took care of Wanda with great devotion, and she comfortably accepted everything. As the five years drew to a close, Ian returned from abroad, wanting to get back together with Wanda. The regret of their past had always been a thorn in Wanda's heart, but just as she welcomed Ian back, she discovered Charles's terminal cancer diagnosis. उस समय, वह भावनाओं के एक अवर्णनीय मिश्रण से अभिभूत थी।
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- समीक्षा
- मेरी रेटिंग
- अधिक लघु नाटक
कहाँ देखना है कहाँ देखना है Aren't You Happy With Your Dream Boy?
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समीक्षा समीक्षा of Aren't You Happy With Your Dream Boy?
Wanda's heart swells with bittersweet emotions as Charles staunchly protects their bond, his devotion a radiant testament to the love they've built together.
2025-01-03 04:37:46
Ian drops by like a fresh breakup, calls Charles a "replacement," then promptly gets outclassed by cancer. Classic! 🎶💔崩溃三角恋真是太喜剧了,Charles直接一纸病危通知书把所有人都打回原形。这剧情也太“精彩”了吧!😉✨
2025-01-06 06:16:27
मेरी रेटिंग मेरी रेटिंग of Aren't You Happy With Your Dream Boy?
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- Billionaire
- Contemporary
- Family Drama
- Female
- Saintly Parent
- Tear-Jerker
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