In cima alle rovine: vendetta per la mia preziosa figlia

In cima alle rovine: vendetta per la mia preziosa figlia

  • Baby
  • Divorce
  • Marriage
  • Revenge
  • Toxic Relationship
Orario di raccolta: 2024-10-21
Episodi: 55


La figlia di Jessica Shaw perde la vita sotto le macerie durante un incendio, mentre suo marito, Zachary Yandell, salva un'altra madre e figlia. Durante il loro matrimonio, Jessica è stata quella che si è presa cura della loro famiglia, mentre Zachary cerca continuamente scuse e si schiera con quella coppia di madre e figlia. Questa tragica perdita ha spinto Jessica al limite. Determinata a cercare giustizia, giura di far pagare le loro azioni a coloro che hanno fatto del male a lei e a sua figlia.

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Nome utente Garett
The emotional depth in this drama is incredible. Jessica’s journey is so moving.
The emotional depth in this drama is incredible. Jessica’s journey is so moving.
The emotional depth in this drama is incredible. Jessica’s journey is so moving.
The emotional depth in this drama is incredible. Jessica’s journey is so moving.
The emotional depth in this drama is incredible. Jessica’s journey is so moving.
2024-12-20 09:14:35
Nome utente Iridian
I’m in love with this show! Jessica’s revenge journey is so thrilling. @kiwishort_aide
I’m in love with this show! Jessica’s revenge journey is so thrilling. @kiwishort_aide
I’m in love with this show! Jessica’s revenge journey is so thrilling. @kiwishort_aide
2024-12-20 08:05:34
Nome utente Johan
I’m on the edge of my seat watching Jessica fight for justice. This show is so well done!
I’m on the edge of my seat watching Jessica fight for justice. This show is so well done!
I’m on the edge of my seat watching Jessica fight for justice. This show is so well done!
I’m on the edge of my seat watching Jessica fight for justice. This show is so well done!
I’m on the edge of my seat watching Jessica fight for justice. This show is so well done!
2024-12-20 14:14:43
Nome utente Sita
Hii ni moja ya tamthilia bora za kulinganisha vichwa! Hadithi ya Jessica inavutia sana.
Hii ni moja ya tamthilia bora za kulinganisha vichwa! Hadithi ya Jessica inavutia sana.
Hii ni moja ya tamthilia bora za kulinganisha vichwa! Hadithi ya Jessica inavutia sana.
2024-12-20 12:59:23
Nome utente Obie
The way the story unfolds is so unpredictable. Jessica and Zachary’s relationship is a disaster, but her revenge will be sweet.
The way the story unfolds is so unpredictable. Jessica and Zachary’s relationship is a disaster, but her revenge will be sweet.
2024-12-20 22:07:25
Nome utente Rome
J'adore la détermination de Jessica. Cette série est un vrai chef-d'œuvre!
J'adore la détermination de Jessica. Cette série est un vrai chef-d'œuvre!
J'adore la détermination de Jessica. Cette série est un vrai chef-d'œuvre!
J'adore la détermination de Jessica. Cette série est un vrai chef-d'œuvre!
2024-12-22 09:52:30
Nome utente Amelie
I just know Jessica’s revenge is going to be one for the books! Every episode gets more intense.
I just know Jessica’s revenge is going to be one for the books! Every episode gets more intense.
I just know Jessica’s revenge is going to be one for the books! Every episode gets more intense.
I just know Jessica’s revenge is going to be one for the books! Every episode gets more intense.
2024-12-22 09:39:23
Nome utente Rahma
This drama is like a rollercoaster of emotions. Jessica’s vengeance is going to be legendary.
2024-12-22 09:31:37
Nome utente Rivers
The suspense in this drama is unreal. Jessica’s journey for justice is so satisfying to watch.
The suspense in this drama is unreal. Jessica’s journey for justice is so satisfying to watch.
The suspense in this drama is unreal. Jessica’s journey for justice is so satisfying to watch.
2024-12-22 08:51:26
Nome utente Huber
This drama is a rollercoaster of emotions. Jessica is truly one of the most resilient characters.
This drama is a rollercoaster of emotions. Jessica is truly one of the most resilient characters.
This drama is a rollercoaster of emotions. Jessica is truly one of the most resilient characters.
This drama is a rollercoaster of emotions. Jessica is truly one of the most resilient characters.
2024-12-22 08:30:36

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