The plot revolves around Ye Chen, a skilled physician with a grudge, who becomes the unwitting heir to a corporate empire through an artifact. This setup echoes Shakespearean tragedies, blending revenge and power struggles.
A medicated mix of revenge and ambition, "Carefree Wonder Doctor" taps into Shakespeare's tragedies, adding a modern twist to ancient strife.
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Een man geboren met talent in de geneeskunde, maar twintig jaar geleden op tragische wijze uitgeroeid. Eindelijk, na jaren van training, is de wonderdokter klaar om wraak te nemen!
2025-01-03 12:15:24
The plot revolves around Ye Chen, a skilled physician with a grudge, who becomes the unwitting heir to a corporate empire through an artifact. This setup echoes Shakespearean tragedies, blending revenge and power struggles.
A medicated mix of revenge and ambition, "Carefree Wonder Doctor" taps into Shakespeare's tragedies, adding a modern twist to ancient strife.
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Zorgeloze wonderdokter
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Zorgeloze wonderdokter
Een man geboren met talent in de geneeskunde, maar twintig jaar geleden op tragische wijze uitgeroeid. Eindelijk, na jaren van training, is de wonderdokter klaar om wraak te nemen!
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