Opstaan ​​uit armoede

Opstaan ​​uit armoede

  • Comeback
  • Family Story
  • Hidden Identity
  • Revenge
  • strong female lead
Verzameltijd: 2024-11-08
Afleveringen: 58


Lynn, een meisje geboren in een afgelegen berggebied, werkte ijverig om toegelaten te worden tot een prestigieuze universiteit. Haar vader, die de voorkeur gaf aan zonen boven dochters, weigerde echter haar ambities te steunen en ging zelfs zo ver dat hij haar acceptatiebrief verscheurde. Haar moeder daarentegen verkocht haar bloed om Lynns onderwijs te helpen financieren. Vijf jaar later behaalde Lynn opmerkelijk succes en stelde zich voor om fabrieken te bouwen in haar geboortestad om alle dorpelingen te verheffen. De dorpelingen zagen haar echter ten onrechte als een voetmassagemedewerker. In werkelijkheid was ze de CEO van Honor Group.

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Waar te kijken Waar te kijken Opstaan ​​uit armoede

  • GoodShortGoodShort

Foto's Foto's of Opstaan ​​uit armoede

Beoordeling Beoordeling of Opstaan ​​uit armoede

Gebruikersnaam Wylie
Introduction and Plot Critique:
Lynn's determination is commendable, yet the plot relies heavily on contrived conflicts like her father tearing up her acceptance letter. Such events are unlikely and unrepresentative of realistic family dynamics.

(Villagers mistaking Lynn for a foot massage worker instead of recognizing her as Honor Group's CEO stretches credibility, undermining her significant achievements.)
Introduction and Plot Critique:
Lynn's determination is commendable, yet the plot relies heavily on contrived conflicts like her father tearing up her acceptance letter. Such events are unlikely and unrepresentative of realistic family dynamics.

(Villagers mistaking Lynn for a foot massage worker instead of recognizing her as Honor Group's CEO stretches credibility, undermining her significant achievements.)
Introduction and Plot Critique:
Lynn's determination is commendable, yet the plot relies heavily on contrived conflicts like her father tearing up her acceptance letter. Such events are unlikely and unrepresentative of realistic family dynamics.

(Villagers mistaking Lynn for a foot massage worker instead of recognizing her as Honor Group's CEO stretches credibility, undermining her significant achievements.)
Introduction and Plot Critique:
Lynn's determination is commendable, yet the plot relies heavily on contrived conflicts like her father tearing up her acceptance letter. Such events are unlikely and unrepresentative of realistic family dynamics.

(Villagers mistaking Lynn for a foot massage worker instead of recognizing her as Honor Group's CEO stretches credibility, undermining her significant achievements.)
2025-01-08 13:26:24

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