Zij is degene die is weggeglipt!

Zij is degene die is weggeglipt!

  • Divorce
  • Marriage
  • Romance
Verzameltijd: 2024-10-21
Afleveringen: 92


De erfgename van Shadow Doctor, Hannah, trouwde met Justin om zijn gunst terug te betalen. Drie jaar geleden kreeg Justin een ongeluk en werd gered door de erfgename. Hij zocht haar in het geheim en kwelde zijn vrouw Hannah op vele manieren. Teleurgesteld tekende Hannah een echtscheidingsovereenkomst en vertrok. Op dat moment werd Justin wakker met zijn gevoelens voor Hannah. En later besefte Justin dat de erfgename waar hij al drie jaar naar op zoek was, niemand minder was dan zijn eigen vrouw, die hij ooit had vernederd...

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Waar te kijken Waar te kijken Zij is degene die is weggeglipt!

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Gebruikersnaam Mitchell
Their hearts intertwined yet painfully misunderstood, Hannah and Justin's journey is one of sorrow and redemption, yearning for a second chance to heal broken souls. 🥺✨
2025-01-03 23:05:26
Gebruikersnaam Jimmy
Justin’s tormenting behavior towards Hannah seems logically inconsistent with his initial indebtedness to her. Additionally, once he wakes up to his feelings, his continued search for an unknown "Shadow Heir" is illogical given he already knows Hannah is the person who saved him. The introduction of a subplot with another character claiming the title and pendant feels like an unnecessary complication.
Justin’s tormenting behavior towards Hannah seems logically inconsistent with his initial indebtedness to her. Additionally, once he wakes up to his feelings, his continued search for an unknown "Shadow Heir" is illogical given he already knows Hannah is the person who saved him. The introduction of a subplot with another character claiming the title and pendant feels like an unnecessary complication.
Justin’s tormenting behavior towards Hannah seems logically inconsistent with his initial indebtedness to her. Additionally, once he wakes up to his feelings, his continued search for an unknown "Shadow Heir" is illogical given he already knows Hannah is the person who saved him. The introduction of a subplot with another character claiming the title and pendant feels like an unnecessary complication.
Justin’s tormenting behavior towards Hannah seems logically inconsistent with his initial indebtedness to her. Additionally, once he wakes up to his feelings, his continued search for an unknown "Shadow Heir" is illogical given he already knows Hannah is the person who saved him. The introduction of a subplot with another character claiming the title and pendant feels like an unnecessary complication.
2025-01-08 13:36:48

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