Aangenaam u te ontmoeten, mevrouw

Aangenaam u te ontmoeten, mevrouw

  • Billionaire
  • Revenge
  • Romance
  • strong female lead
Verzameltijd: 2024-10-21
Afleveringen: 50


Belle Abe, een vrouwelijke tycoon, was de derde vrouw van Tim Judson, CEO van Global Finance. Haar dochter werd op jonge leeftijd door Tim in de steek gelaten en verdween te midden van de machtsstrijd van Global Finance. Sindsdien besloot Belle haar tijd af te wachten en Global Finance omver te werpen. Na de dood van Tim nam Bella het roer over als CEO van Global Finance, maar kwam terecht in het vizier van onzichtbare tegenstanders. Ze werd vervolgens gered door een huursoldaat, T, die uit wraak naar zijn thuisland was teruggekeerd. Belle erkende zijn waarde en schakelde hem in als haar vertrouweling en beschermer, en noemde hem Elmer - een naam die als schild zou dienen in het gevaarlijke spel dat ze speelde.

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Gebruikersnaam Nikola
The plot of Pleasure to Meet You, My Lady is like a game of chess, with Belle and her enemies making strategic moves and counter-moves. But what really stands out to me is Belle’s ability to maintain her grace while fighting back. She's a woman who knows how to play the game, and her cool-headed approach is inspiring. Elmer, with his mysterious past, only adds to the intrigue of the show. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. This drama is definitely one to watch!
The plot of Pleasure to Meet You, My Lady is like a game of chess, with Belle and her enemies making strategic moves and counter-moves. But what really stands out to me is Belle’s ability to maintain her grace while fighting back. She's a woman who knows how to play the game, and her cool-headed approach is inspiring. Elmer, with his mysterious past, only adds to the intrigue of the show. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. This drama is definitely one to watch!
The plot of Pleasure to Meet You, My Lady is like a game of chess, with Belle and her enemies making strategic moves and counter-moves. But what really stands out to me is Belle’s ability to maintain her grace while fighting back. She's a woman who knows how to play the game, and her cool-headed approach is inspiring. Elmer, with his mysterious past, only adds to the intrigue of the show. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. This drama is definitely one to watch!
The plot of Pleasure to Meet You, My Lady is like a game of chess, with Belle and her enemies making strategic moves and counter-moves. But what really stands out to me is Belle’s ability to maintain her grace while fighting back. She's a woman who knows how to play the game, and her cool-headed approach is inspiring. Elmer, with his mysterious past, only adds to the intrigue of the show. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. This drama is definitely one to watch!
The plot of Pleasure to Meet You, My Lady is like a game of chess, with Belle and her enemies making strategic moves and counter-moves. But what really stands out to me is Belle’s ability to maintain her grace while fighting back. She's a woman who knows how to play the game, and her cool-headed approach is inspiring. Elmer, with his mysterious past, only adds to the intrigue of the show. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. This drama is definitely one to watch!
The plot of Pleasure to Meet You, My Lady is like a game of chess, with Belle and her enemies making strategic moves and counter-moves. But what really stands out to me is Belle’s ability to maintain her grace while fighting back. She's a woman who knows how to play the game, and her cool-headed approach is inspiring. Elmer, with his mysterious past, only adds to the intrigue of the show. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. This drama is definitely one to watch!
2024-11-27 22:52:34
Gebruikersnaam Juan
I’m so here for Belle’s comeback! Y’all better watch out! ????????
I’m so here for Belle’s comeback! Y’all better watch out! ????????
I’m so here for Belle’s comeback! Y’all better watch out! ????????
I’m so here for Belle’s comeback! Y’all better watch out! ????????
I’m so here for Belle’s comeback! Y’all better watch out! ????????
I’m so here for Belle’s comeback! Y’all better watch out! ????????
2024-11-27 16:50:47
Gebruikersnaam Rufina
The chemistry between them is undeniable! ????????
The chemistry between them is undeniable! ????????
2024-11-28 17:47:23
Gebruikersnaam Haris
This scene always gives me chills! ????
This scene always gives me chills! ????
This scene always gives me chills! ????
2024-11-27 17:50:25
Gebruikersnaam Naja
Belle’s gonna crush her enemies next episode, right? ????
Belle’s gonna crush her enemies next episode, right? ????
2024-11-27 11:44:55
Gebruikersnaam Yvanna
I just can’t wait for Belle to face off against her enemies—this is about to get real! ????
I just can’t wait for Belle to face off against her enemies—this is about to get real! ????
I just can’t wait for Belle to face off against her enemies—this is about to get real! ????
2024-12-22 00:58:17
Gebruikersnaam Annika
I feel like Elmer’s going to be a game-changer for Belle. Do you think he’ll fall for her? ????
I feel like Elmer’s going to be a game-changer for Belle. Do you think he’ll fall for her? ????
I feel like Elmer’s going to be a game-changer for Belle. Do you think he’ll fall for her? ????
I feel like Elmer’s going to be a game-changer for Belle. Do you think he’ll fall for her? ????
I feel like Elmer’s going to be a game-changer for Belle. Do you think he’ll fall for her? ????
2024-12-21 22:14:06
Gebruikersnaam Bunny
The director's attention to detail is impeccable.
The director's attention to detail is impeccable.
2024-12-21 18:07:18
Gebruikersnaam Natsumi
Why do I feel like there’s going to be a big showdown between Belle and the mercenaries soon? ????
Why do I feel like there’s going to be a big showdown between Belle and the mercenaries soon? ????
Why do I feel like there’s going to be a big showdown between Belle and the mercenaries soon? ????
2024-12-21 13:17:16
Gebruikersnaam Rianna
Can’t believe how intense this is! ????????
Can’t believe how intense this is! ????????
Can’t believe how intense this is! ????????
Can’t believe how intense this is! ????????
2024-12-21 11:45:21

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