Wacht, wat? Ik trouwde met meneer Big Bucks?

Wacht, wat? Ik trouwde met meneer Big Bucks?

  • Flash Marriage
  • Marriage
  • Romance
  • Sweet
  • True Love
Verzameltijd: 2024-10-21
Afleveringen: 55


Evie Stout en Ricardo Hahn vinden elkaar al sinds hun kindertijd leuk, maar Evie gelooft altijd dat Ricardo Sabrina Spence leuk vindt. Als volwassenen belanden ze in een spontaan huwelijk, maar geen van beide geeft uiting aan hun ware gevoelens. Evie gaat werken bij Hahn Group, waar ze herhaaldelijk wordt gepest door Sabrina en anderen. Gelukkig komt Ricardo tussenbeide om haar te beschermen. Uiteindelijk komt de waarheid aan het licht en bekennen ze hun gevoelens aan elkaar.

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Waar te kijken Waar te kijken Wacht, wat? Ik trouwde met meneer Big Bucks?

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Foto's Foto's of Wacht, wat? Ik trouwde met meneer Big Bucks?

Beoordeling Beoordeling of Wacht, wat? Ik trouwde met meneer Big Bucks?

Gebruikersnaam Kash
Ricardo needs to be more honest with Evie. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Ricardo needs to be more honest with Evie. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Ricardo needs to be more honest with Evie. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Ricardo needs to be more honest with Evie. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
2024-12-17 09:16:25
Gebruikersnaam Yitzel
They clearly care about each other but are too scared to admit it. That’s the drama, and I’m loving every second.
They clearly care about each other but are too scared to admit it. That’s the drama, and I’m loving every second.
They clearly care about each other but are too scared to admit it. That’s the drama, and I’m loving every second.
They clearly care about each other but are too scared to admit it. That’s the drama, and I’m loving every second.
They clearly care about each other but are too scared to admit it. That’s the drama, and I’m loving every second.
They clearly care about each other but are too scared to admit it. That’s the drama, and I’m loving every second.
2024-12-16 16:54:59
Gebruikersnaam Izabela
Ricardo’s confession better be epic, that’s all I’m saying.
Ricardo’s confession better be epic, that’s all I’m saying.
Ricardo’s confession better be epic, that’s all I’m saying.
Ricardo’s confession better be epic, that’s all I’m saying.
2024-12-17 14:56:01
Gebruikersnaam Wanell
정말 너무 재미있어요! 에비와 리카르도의 케미가 최고!
정말 너무 재미있어요! 에비와 리카르도의 케미가 최고!
정말 너무 재미있어요! 에비와 리카르도의 케미가 최고!
정말 너무 재미있어요! 에비와 리카르도의 케미가 최고!
2024-12-16 20:32:55
Gebruikersnaam Mathis
So much tension, but it’s making the payoff so much sweeter.
So much tension, but it’s making the payoff so much sweeter.
So much tension, but it’s making the payoff so much sweeter.
So much tension, but it’s making the payoff so much sweeter.
So much tension, but it’s making the payoff so much sweeter.
2024-12-16 20:09:43
Gebruikersnaam Romina
Sabrina needs to be written off. ???? I can’t stand her anymore. Glad Ricardo’s starting to see the light. #TeamEvie
Sabrina needs to be written off. ???? I can’t stand her anymore. Glad Ricardo’s starting to see the light. #TeamEvie
Sabrina needs to be written off. ???? I can’t stand her anymore. Glad Ricardo’s starting to see the light. #TeamEvie
2024-12-22 10:12:58
Gebruikersnaam Oland
Evie and Ricardo’s chemistry is undeniable! I’m definitely hooked. Can’t wait for the next episode! Check it out on YouTube @kiwishortaide.
Evie and Ricardo’s chemistry is undeniable! I’m definitely hooked. Can’t wait for the next episode! Check it out on YouTube @kiwishortaide.
Evie and Ricardo’s chemistry is undeniable! I’m definitely hooked. Can’t wait for the next episode! Check it out on YouTube @kiwishortaide.
2024-12-22 09:33:30
Gebruikersnaam Esthefany
I feel like every episode just makes me more invested in their love story.
I feel like every episode just makes me more invested in their love story.
I feel like every episode just makes me more invested in their love story.
I feel like every episode just makes me more invested in their love story.
I feel like every episode just makes me more invested in their love story.
2024-12-22 08:53:04
Gebruikersnaam Omega
The tension in the office with Sabrina just makes me cringe. Glad Ricardo stands up for Evie!
The tension in the office with Sabrina just makes me cringe. Glad Ricardo stands up for Evie!
2024-12-22 01:05:13
Gebruikersnaam Hani
Evie and Ricardo’s dynamic is everything. Love how protective he is.
Evie and Ricardo’s dynamic is everything. Love how protective he is.
Evie and Ricardo’s dynamic is everything. Love how protective he is.
Evie and Ricardo’s dynamic is everything. Love how protective he is.
2024-12-21 21:39:29

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