Gebonden aan de Bastard Miljardair

Gebonden aan de Bastard Miljardair

  • Billionaire
  • Marriage
  • Romance
  • Sweet
Verzameltijd: 2024-10-21
Afleveringen: 61


Aspirant-schilder Celine Anderson betrapt vriend Daniel op vreemdgaan met haar halfzus Bella tijdens een banket. Op zoek naar wraak kust ze een vreemdeling, Theodore Kane, die toevallig een grote kunstinvesteerder en miljardair is. Theodore stelt een huwelijk voor om zijn moeder te kalmeren voor haar operatie, en Celine gaat akkoord als hij haar drie wensen vervult. Theodore moet op 35-jarige leeftijd trouwen om het fortuin van zijn familie te erven, en zijn broers en zussen proberen de verbintenis te dwarsbomen. Te midden van de chaos ontdekt Celine haar ware identiteit.

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Gebruikersnaam Krish
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire was a thrilling journey from start to finish. The tension between the characters was palpable, and the play’s mix of romance and suspense had me on edge the whole time. The actors’ performances were top-notch, bringing depth to a story full of surprises.
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire was a thrilling journey from start to finish. The tension between the characters was palpable, and the play’s mix of romance and suspense had me on edge the whole time. The actors’ performances were top-notch, bringing depth to a story full of surprises.
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire was a thrilling journey from start to finish. The tension between the characters was palpable, and the play’s mix of romance and suspense had me on edge the whole time. The actors’ performances were top-notch, bringing depth to a story full of surprises.
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire was a thrilling journey from start to finish. The tension between the characters was palpable, and the play’s mix of romance and suspense had me on edge the whole time. The actors’ performances were top-notch, bringing depth to a story full of surprises.
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire was a thrilling journey from start to finish. The tension between the characters was palpable, and the play’s mix of romance and suspense had me on edge the whole time. The actors’ performances were top-notch, bringing depth to a story full of surprises.
2024-11-20 16:46:50
Gebruikersnaam Maxx
From start to finish, Bound to the Bastard Billionaire had me on the edge of my seat.
From start to finish, Bound to the Bastard Billionaire had me on the edge of my seat.
From start to finish, Bound to the Bastard Billionaire had me on the edge of my seat.
From start to finish, Bound to the Bastard Billionaire had me on the edge of my seat.
From start to finish, Bound to the Bastard Billionaire had me on the edge of my seat.
2024-11-28 17:52:34
Gebruikersnaam Hayk
Rich in tension and drama.
Rich in tension and drama.
2024-12-01 09:13:03
Gebruikersnaam Kailash
Perfect mix of wealth and love.
Perfect mix of wealth and love.
Perfect mix of wealth and love.
Perfect mix of wealth and love.
2024-11-22 15:08:02
Gebruikersnaam Montana
so real
so real
so real
so real
so real
so real
2024-11-23 21:48:48
Gebruikersnaam Jonathan
Twists, turns, and love!
Twists, turns, and love!
Twists, turns, and love!
2024-12-22 09:54:43
Gebruikersnaam Najla
Emotional depth—so engaging
Emotional depth—so engaging
2024-12-20 22:48:21
Gebruikersnaam Daniil
Intense chemistry!
Intense chemistry!
Intense chemistry!
Intense chemistry!
2024-12-20 12:27:25
Gebruikersnaam Nena
love it
love it
love it
love it
love it
love it
2024-12-20 08:47:09
Gebruikersnaam Muhammad
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The billionaire’s enigmatic persona mixed with his emotional vulnerability kept me guessing. Every scene felt like it was leading to something explosive, and the actors really brought that tension to life. Such a fascinating exploration of relationships and power!
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The billionaire’s enigmatic persona mixed with his emotional vulnerability kept me guessing. Every scene felt like it was leading to something explosive, and the actors really brought that tension to life. Such a fascinating exploration of relationships and power!
Bound to the Bastard Billionaire took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The billionaire’s enigmatic persona mixed with his emotional vulnerability kept me guessing. Every scene felt like it was leading to something explosive, and the actors really brought that tension to life. Such a fascinating exploration of relationships and power!
2024-12-19 13:24:47

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