De vendedor ambulante a nobre senhora

De vendedor ambulante a nobre senhora

  • Hidden Identity
  • Marriage
  • Romance
Horário de coleta: 2024-10-21
Episódios: 60

Visão geral:

A família Todd e a família Snyder tinham um pacto de casamento, mas Carver não gostava da filha adotiva mimada e arrogante da família Todd e não estava disposto a se casar com ela. Para realizar a aliança e herdar a fortuna da família, Carver quebrou a cabeça e acidentalmente descobriu Shirley na rua, que tinha uma notável semelhança com o falecido mestre da família Todd. Shirley foi assim atraída para esta turbulência e tornou-se alvo dos olhares atentos de numerosos parentes. Mais tarde, um segredo surpreendente foi revelado. Shirley era realmente a neta há muito perdida do mestre da família Todd. Confiando em seus próprios esforços e sabedoria, Shirley não apenas frustrou com sucesso os esquemas dos parentes, mas também conquistou o afeto genuíno de Carver. No final, Shirley alcançou sucesso tanto no amor quanto na carreira e colheu a felicidade que merecia.

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Nome de usuário Sonya
Shirley turned out to be such a strong, independent woman. I’m inspired. ????✨
Shirley turned out to be such a strong, independent woman. I’m inspired. ????✨
Shirley turned out to be such a strong, independent woman. I’m inspired. ????✨
2024-12-06 11:14:44
Nome de usuário Svetlana
The second half of the season gets so intense! I need more of this storyline. ????
The second half of the season gets so intense! I need more of this storyline. ????
The second half of the season gets so intense! I need more of this storyline. ????
2024-12-06 13:18:28
Nome de usuário Eileen
I need Carver and Shirley’s love story to go on forever. Their chemistry is out of this world. ????
I need Carver and Shirley’s love story to go on forever. Their chemistry is out of this world. ????
2024-12-07 22:56:32
Nome de usuário Kavan
Hidden identity? Check. Forced marriage? Check. Epic love story? Check. This show has it all! ????✨
Hidden identity? Check. Forced marriage? Check. Epic love story? Check. This show has it all! ????✨
Hidden identity? Check. Forced marriage? Check. Epic love story? Check. This show has it all! ????✨
2024-12-06 22:28:36
Nome de usuário Daniel
Shirley being the long-lost granddaughter was such a crazy twist. I did not see that coming. ????
Shirley being the long-lost granddaughter was such a crazy twist. I did not see that coming. ????
Shirley being the long-lost granddaughter was such a crazy twist. I did not see that coming. ????
Shirley being the long-lost granddaughter was such a crazy twist. I did not see that coming. ????
2024-12-07 09:15:28
Nome de usuário Renita
Every episode just gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next one! ????????
Every episode just gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next one! ????????
Every episode just gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next one! ????????
Every episode just gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next one! ????????
2024-12-22 09:02:57
Nome de usuário Obryan
Carver’s character growth is ????! He went from cold to swoon-worthy real quick.
Carver’s character growth is ????! He went from cold to swoon-worthy real quick.
Carver’s character growth is ????! He went from cold to swoon-worthy real quick.
Carver’s character growth is ????! He went from cold to swoon-worthy real quick.
2024-12-22 01:28:50
Nome de usuário Vashaun
The tension between Shirley and Carver… the chemistry is insane! ????????
The tension between Shirley and Carver… the chemistry is insane! ????????
The tension between Shirley and Carver… the chemistry is insane! ????????
The tension between Shirley and Carver… the chemistry is insane! ????????
The tension between Shirley and Carver… the chemistry is insane! ????????
2024-12-21 18:51:49
Nome de usuário Octavia
This show is all about twists and turns. Just when you think you know what’s going on, BAM, something new happens! ????????
This show is all about twists and turns. Just when you think you know what’s going on, BAM, something new happens! ????????
2024-12-21 17:16:45
Nome de usuário Denis
Carver and Shirley’s slow-burn romance is everything I didn’t know I needed. ????????
Carver and Shirley’s slow-burn romance is everything I didn’t know I needed. ????????
Carver and Shirley’s slow-burn romance is everything I didn’t know I needed. ????????
Carver and Shirley’s slow-burn romance is everything I didn’t know I needed. ????????
2024-12-21 15:48:36

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