Meu misterioso marido bilionário

Meu misterioso marido bilionário

  • CEO
Horário de coleta: 2024-11-01
Episódios: 79

Visão geral:

Como poderia uma pessoa poderosa e rica como ele apenas gostar dela? Depois de ser traída pelo ex-namorado, Katie conhece Alexander, que a defende repetidamente em momentos de crise, e por acaso, eles ficam noivos para se casar. Durante o relacionamento, Katie descobre que Alexander não é um homem comum. Ele é rico, poderoso e tem muitos admiradores, mas parece estar apaixonado apenas por ela. O encontro deles é uma coincidência ou existe uma agenda oculta? Qual é a verdadeira origem do relacionamento deles? Haverá algum sentimento real neste casamento falso?

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Nome de usuário Joshua
The way Alexander treats Katie makes me think he’s more than just a business tycoon. What’s his game?
The way Alexander treats Katie makes me think he’s more than just a business tycoon. What’s his game?
The way Alexander treats Katie makes me think he’s more than just a business tycoon. What’s his game?
The way Alexander treats Katie makes me think he’s more than just a business tycoon. What’s his game?
2024-11-23 09:08:54
Nome de usuário Muhammed
She keeps saying she doesn’t like him, but every time they’re together, I can feel the sparks flying! ????
She keeps saying she doesn’t like him, but every time they’re together, I can feel the sparks flying! ????
She keeps saying she doesn’t like him, but every time they’re together, I can feel the sparks flying! ????
She keeps saying she doesn’t like him, but every time they’re together, I can feel the sparks flying! ????
2024-11-23 13:16:56
Nome de usuário Yuliana
Alexander’s about to break my heart... it’s so obvious he’s already in too deep. ????
Alexander’s about to break my heart... it’s so obvious he’s already in too deep. ????
Alexander’s about to break my heart... it’s so obvious he’s already in too deep. ????
Alexander’s about to break my heart... it’s so obvious he’s already in too deep. ????
2024-11-28 21:41:13
Nome de usuário Whisper
Alexander is giving me major mixed signals. Is he playing the long con or is this legit?
Alexander is giving me major mixed signals. Is he playing the long con or is this legit?
Alexander is giving me major mixed signals. Is he playing the long con or is this legit?
Alexander is giving me major mixed signals. Is he playing the long con or is this legit?
2024-12-03 16:11:10
Nome de usuário Yoseline
Katie deserves better than just a powerful CEO... but I can’t help but root for her and Alexander.
Katie deserves better than just a powerful CEO... but I can’t help but root for her and Alexander.
Katie deserves better than just a powerful CEO... but I can’t help but root for her and Alexander.
Katie deserves better than just a powerful CEO... but I can’t help but root for her and Alexander.
2024-11-24 16:46:11
Nome de usuário Green
Every time Alexander shows concern for Katie, I get a little heartbroken for her. She deserves so much better! ????
2024-12-21 16:39:32
Nome de usuário Dwight
What do you think Alexander’s big secret is? I feel like there’s something huge he’s hiding from Katie!
What do you think Alexander’s big secret is? I feel like there’s something huge he’s hiding from Katie!
What do you think Alexander’s big secret is? I feel like there’s something huge he’s hiding from Katie!
What do you think Alexander’s big secret is? I feel like there’s something huge he’s hiding from Katie!
What do you think Alexander’s big secret is? I feel like there’s something huge he’s hiding from Katie!
What do you think Alexander’s big secret is? I feel like there’s something huge he’s hiding from Katie!
2024-12-21 08:31:58
Nome de usuário Rawan
Please tell me Alexander isn’t just a player using Katie for his own gain... that would be a real bummer.
Please tell me Alexander isn’t just a player using Katie for his own gain... that would be a real bummer.
Please tell me Alexander isn’t just a player using Katie for his own gain... that would be a real bummer.
Please tell me Alexander isn’t just a player using Katie for his own gain... that would be a real bummer.
2024-12-21 00:15:34
Nome de usuário Effie
If this turns into a “who’s using who” situation, I’m out. Let’s keep it real!
If this turns into a “who’s using who” situation, I’m out. Let’s keep it real!
If this turns into a “who’s using who” situation, I’m out. Let’s keep it real!
If this turns into a “who’s using who” situation, I’m out. Let’s keep it real!
2024-12-20 20:39:42
Nome de usuário Norah
I love how Katie and Alexander are slowly becoming emotionally invested, despite the circumstances.
I love how Katie and Alexander are slowly becoming emotionally invested, despite the circumstances.
I love how Katie and Alexander are slowly becoming emotionally invested, despite the circumstances.
2024-12-20 17:20:30

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