Julie's Way Home: Mãe, estou de volta

Julie's Way Home: Mãe, estou de volta

  • Romance
  • Toxic Relationship
  • Twisted
Horário de coleta: 2024-10-21
Episódios: 91

Visão geral:

O drama desenrola a história da família Brian, a família mais proeminente e rica, famosa por favorecer os filhos em vez das filhas. Mia, que se casou com alguém da família, trocou sua filha recém-nascida por um menino porque a família preferia um neto. Desta forma, herdaram com sucesso a fortuna da família. Ela confiou a criança a Thea Jake, que aceitou o dinheiro, mas abandonou o bebê. Felizmente, um necrófago encontrou o bebê e o criou em meio a dificuldades e adversidades. Vinte anos depois, Sean, o herdeiro da família Brian, teve um caso de uma noite com Julie Grant, que por acaso era filha de Mia. Ele ficou comovido com o amor de Julie por seu pai necrófago e depois se casou com ela. Porém, o inesperado ocorreu quando Thea apresentou sua filha como a herdeira perdida de Mia. Em um esforço para garantir o casamento de sua suposta filha com a família Brian, Mia sujeitou Julie a humilhação e opressão implacáveis, tudo para coagi-la a se divorciar de Sean. Ela até tentou matar Julie para reforçar a posição da filha. Quando a verdade for finalmente revelada, Julie perdoará sua mãe, que repetidamente tentou levá-la à beira da morte?

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Nome de usuário Danial
This drama portrays the reality of abusive family dynamics very realistically. It’s tough to watch but necessary.
This drama portrays the reality of abusive family dynamics very realistically. It’s tough to watch but necessary.
2024-12-11 18:18:57
Nome de usuário Brenna
The twists in the story are so well-executed. I never know what to expect next.
The twists in the story are so well-executed. I never know what to expect next.
The twists in the story are so well-executed. I never know what to expect next.
The twists in the story are so well-executed. I never know what to expect next.
2024-12-11 08:00:57
Nome de usuário Ulysses
I can’t stand how manipulative Mia is. She’s practically ruining her daughter’s life.
I can’t stand how manipulative Mia is. She’s practically ruining her daughter’s life.
I can’t stand how manipulative Mia is. She’s practically ruining her daughter’s life.
2024-12-12 14:25:34
Nome de usuário Dimitry
The romance between Sean and Julie is so complicated, but I love seeing them try to make it work.
The romance between Sean and Julie is so complicated, but I love seeing them try to make it work.
The romance between Sean and Julie is so complicated, but I love seeing them try to make it work.
The romance between Sean and Julie is so complicated, but I love seeing them try to make it work.
2024-12-11 08:44:54
Nome de usuário Inola
Julie’s courage in dealing with everything thrown at her is what makes her such a standout character.
Julie’s courage in dealing with everything thrown at her is what makes her such a standout character.
Julie’s courage in dealing with everything thrown at her is what makes her such a standout character.
2024-12-12 00:29:35
Nome de usuário Orazio
Julie and Sean’s connection is deep, even though their relationship is surrounded by chaos.
Julie and Sean’s connection is deep, even though their relationship is surrounded by chaos.
Julie and Sean’s connection is deep, even though their relationship is surrounded by chaos.
Julie and Sean’s connection is deep, even though their relationship is surrounded by chaos.
Julie and Sean’s connection is deep, even though their relationship is surrounded by chaos.
Julie and Sean’s connection is deep, even though their relationship is surrounded by chaos.
2024-12-22 07:58:37
Nome de usuário Laverne
Julie's journey is one of self-discovery, and it’s painful yet empowering to watch.
Julie's journey is one of self-discovery, and it’s painful yet empowering to watch.
Julie's journey is one of self-discovery, and it’s painful yet empowering to watch.
Julie's journey is one of self-discovery, and it’s painful yet empowering to watch.
2024-12-21 23:04:55
Nome de usuário Vinnie
The relationship between Julie and Sean is constantly changing. It’s intense but so compelling.
The relationship between Julie and Sean is constantly changing. It’s intense but so compelling.
The relationship between Julie and Sean is constantly changing. It’s intense but so compelling.
2024-12-21 18:26:41
Nome de usuário Karina
I feel like Julie could have a real chance at happiness, but Mia and Thea just keep pulling her down.
I feel like Julie could have a real chance at happiness, but Mia and Thea just keep pulling her down.
I feel like Julie could have a real chance at happiness, but Mia and Thea just keep pulling her down.
2024-12-21 14:44:54
Nome de usuário Imaan
The way Mia keeps using Julie to get what she wants is sickening. She doesn't deserve her daughter’s love.
The way Mia keeps using Julie to get what she wants is sickening. She doesn't deserve her daughter’s love.
2024-12-21 14:39:07

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