Cherished: La mia amata sposa incinta

Cherished: La mia amata sposa incinta

  • Sweetness
Orario di raccolta: 2024-11-20
Episodi: 94


Corinna combatte le avversità in una famiglia che dà priorità agli uomini e, mentre lavora in un bar per raccogliere fondi per la sua istruzione, inizia inavvertitamente una relazione con Nolan e rimane incinta. Dopo aver appreso della sua gravidanza ad una fiera del lavoro a Kyoto, Corinna ha cercato di informare Nolan, ma ha dovuto affrontare la derisione e l'interferenza della sua coetanea Miranda. Nolan inizialmente non era convinto della sua paternità e accusò Corinna di essere ambiziosa per la ricchezza a causa delle elevate richieste di prezzo della sposa da parte della sua famiglia. Tuttavia, dopo aver osservato i maltrattamenti di Corinna, Nolan è intervenuto per rimproverare Miranda.

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  • Revisione
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Dove guardare Dove guardare Cherished: La mia amata sposa incinta

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Revisione Revisione of Cherished: La mia amata sposa incinta

Nome utente Salma
The stakes in this show feel high with each episode. The drama never lets up.
The stakes in this show feel high with each episode. The drama never lets up.
2024-12-13 12:53:17
Nome utente Granvil
I’m so invested in Corinna’s journey. I hope she gets the respect and love she deserves.
I’m so invested in Corinna’s journey. I hope she gets the respect and love she deserves.
I’m so invested in Corinna’s journey. I hope she gets the respect and love she deserves.
2024-12-13 08:21:01
Nome utente Yancy
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
2024-12-14 12:15:01
Nome utente Amit
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
2024-12-14 08:27:57
Nome utente Skylar
I love how Nolan slowly starts seeing Corinna for who she is, not just what he thought she was.
I love how Nolan slowly starts seeing Corinna for who she is, not just what he thought she was.
I love how Nolan slowly starts seeing Corinna for who she is, not just what he thought she was.
2024-12-13 09:45:10
Nome utente Alfa
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
2024-12-23 20:26:20
Nome utente Sherry
The plot had me hooked
The plot had me hooked
The plot had me hooked
The plot had me hooked
2024-12-23 20:13:47
Nome utente Xena
I was smiling through tears
2024-12-23 19:31:00
Nome utente Wendolyn
Every scene hit my heart
Every scene hit my heart
2024-12-23 18:52:39
Nome utente Naba
Watching Cherished made me appreciate the strength that comes with facing life’s changes together.
Watching Cherished made me appreciate the strength that comes with facing life’s changes together.
Watching Cherished made me appreciate the strength that comes with facing life’s changes together.
2024-12-23 18:52:02

La mia valutazione La mia valutazione of Cherished: La mia amata sposa incinta


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