Заветное: Моя любимая беременная невеста

Заветное: Моя любимая беременная невеста

  • Sweetness
Время сбора: 2024-11-20
Эпизоды: 94


Коринна борется с невзгодами в семье, где приоритет отдается мужчинам, и, работая в баре, чтобы собрать средства на свое образование, она непреднамеренно вступает в отношения с Ноланом и беременеет. Узнав о своей беременности на ярмарке вакансий в Киото, Коринна попыталась сообщить об этом Нолану, но столкнулась с насмешками и вмешательством со стороны своей сверстницы Миранды. Первоначально Нолан не был убежден в своем отцовстве и обвинял Коринну в стремлении к богатству из-за огромных требований ее семьи о выкупе за невесту. Тем не менее, наблюдая за жестоким обращением с Коринной, Нолан предпринял действия, чтобы сделать Миранде выговор.

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Где смотреть Где смотреть Заветное: Моя любимая беременная невеста

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Фотографии Фотографии of Заветное: Моя любимая беременная невеста

Обзор Обзор of Заветное: Моя любимая беременная невеста

Имя пользователя Salma
The stakes in this show feel high with each episode. The drama never lets up.
The stakes in this show feel high with each episode. The drama never lets up.
2024-12-13 12:53:17
Имя пользователя Granvil
I’m so invested in Corinna’s journey. I hope she gets the respect and love she deserves.
I’m so invested in Corinna’s journey. I hope she gets the respect and love she deserves.
I’m so invested in Corinna’s journey. I hope she gets the respect and love she deserves.
2024-12-13 08:21:01
Имя пользователя Yancy
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
The twists and turns in the plot keep me hooked. I never know what’s coming next.
2024-12-14 12:15:01
Имя пользователя Amit
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
I love how the show portrays Corinna’s fight for independence, even in a patriarchal society.
2024-12-14 08:27:57
Имя пользователя Skylar
I love how Nolan slowly starts seeing Corinna for who she is, not just what he thought she was.
I love how Nolan slowly starts seeing Corinna for who she is, not just what he thought she was.
I love how Nolan slowly starts seeing Corinna for who she is, not just what he thought she was.
2024-12-13 09:45:10
Имя пользователя Alfa
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
The script beautifully explored the highs and lows of love. I especially loved the supporting characters—they added humor and depth. This play is an unforgettable celebration of love, family, and resilience.
2024-12-23 20:26:20
Имя пользователя Sherry
The plot had me hooked
The plot had me hooked
The plot had me hooked
The plot had me hooked
2024-12-23 20:13:47
Имя пользователя Xena
I was smiling through tears
2024-12-23 19:31:00
Имя пользователя Wendolyn
Every scene hit my heart
Every scene hit my heart
2024-12-23 18:52:39
Имя пользователя Naba
Watching Cherished made me appreciate the strength that comes with facing life’s changes together.
Watching Cherished made me appreciate the strength that comes with facing life’s changes together.
Watching Cherished made me appreciate the strength that comes with facing life’s changes together.
2024-12-23 18:52:02

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